Essential Puppy Products for the First Week

Essential Puppy Products for the First Week

Bringing home your first dog can be a mix of stress, frustration, and joy. We're here to assist you in making the transition smooth for both you and your new four-legged companion.

The first week is a crucial time for your puppy to adjust to their new surroundings. It is crucial to gently start introducing new small routines. Remember, every simple event or even a toy is quite new for the pup. Keep things entertaining, yet focus on longer term goals like getting your puppy comfortable with touching the paws, ears, brushing and eventually complete grooming. Here are some additional items that will help make their transition easier:

  • Puppy treats for positive reinforcement during training
  • A brush or comb to introduce a grooming routine
  • Grooming supplies: scissors, nail clipper/trimmer
  • Bathing supplies: shampoo, some towels, optionally paw butter
  • Puppy training books or resources to help you learn how to train them
  • Puppy-proofing supplies to make your home safe for your new addition

    Remember, committing to a puppy means a lifetime of care and support. Make sure you're ready to give them the love, attention, and everything else they need to thrive. Being prepared with the right supplies sets you and your new furry friend up for success right from the start. Enjoy the journey of welcoming your new puppy home!

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